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☆ 発症から2週間以内に、中国(湖北省・浙江省)への渡航歴がある

☆ 中国への渡航歴があり、発熱・呼吸器症状のある人と接触したことがある

☆ 新型コロナウィルスにかかった、または、その疑いのある人と接触したことがある



Notification for Novel Coronavirus pneumonia(COVID-19)  

A large number of patients with Novel Coronavirus have been identified in Wuhan China. Several cases of infection have been reported in Japan as well, and there is grave concern about further expansion of Novel Coronavirus. In order to prevent the spread of infection, please contact the consultant desks listed below.

If you have either of the following conditions please contact the consultation desks listed below before visiting our hospital

If you have more than 37.5℃ fever and respiratory symptoms and:

☆have been to Hubei Province or Zhejiang Province within 14 days prior the symptoms appeared ☆have been in close contact with a person with the symptoms above

Medical institution referral service for foreign tourists with new coronavirus-related issues

■Aichi Prefecture Multilingual Call Center

*Accessible via smartphone only (Calls cannot be made from PCs)

Languages: English, Chinese, Korean, Thai, Vietnamese, Tagalog, Spanish, Portuguese, French

Service times: English, Chinese, Korean - 24-hour service; Other languages - see website.

Fee: Free for foreign tourists

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